A Passionate Team of Advocates CONTACT US TODAY


There's a reason people (used to) say "You don't have to make a federal case out of it!" Facing federal charges is a big deal. It is also an intimidating experience, whether you received a letter stating you are the target of an investigation, or if you are charged with an offense in federal court in Wisconsin. In either situation, you need an experienced attorney who is experienced in federal court and can give you the advice and representation you need. The federal government and its prosecutors have vast resources and investigating agencies such as the FBI and DEA to assist in prosecuting people they think are guilty of a federal crime. Investigations are often conducted over a period of years before you become aware of them, and often times the evidence is overwhelming. You need a team with the resources and experience to step in between you and the government, stabilize your situation, and fight on your behalf.


The attorneys at Mastantuono Coffee & Thomas have defended all types of federal charges. Common cases include drug trafficking, bank robbery, wire fraud, mail fraud, unlawful possession of firearm, unlawful reentry, and RICO/racketeering.

We have had charges dismissed, negotiated favorable outcomes, litigated motion challenges, and taken cases to jury trial in federal court. We are well-known to federal prosecutors and judges throughout Wisconsin, and our work is respected.

Sentences handed out in federal court are governed by the United States Sentencing Guidelines. These guidelines, formerly mandatory, provide a suggested sentence to the court based on offense severity, a defendant’s criminal history, and a variety of other factors for anyone convicted of a federal crime. The sentencing guidelines are complex and can be cumbersome, and it takes experience to steer a client’s case through them. They loom over many aspects of a federal case, affecting plea discussions, pretrial motions, and the decision whether to go to trial. Our experience in this area has resulted in a good working familiarity with the Guidelines and how to use them to gain advantages for our clients. 

Federal cases also are marked by lengthy proceedings involving many different players in a wide variety of agencies. Our attorneys know how to get clients through this process, argue against pre-trial detention, monitor release, and challenge the government’s case. Our litigation experience in federal court is extensive. Often, as most people know, the government does not get it right. If that happens to you, you’ll need a lawyer with the experience and expertise to catch it, and expose the mistake. The attorneys at Mastantuono Coffee & Thomas have that experience and expertise and can help you through this situation.

Read on for some of the areas where we have the experience you need.


As part of the federal investigation process, prosecutors send out subpoenas for people to testify before a grand jury, which is a panel of people who listen to evidence and decide whether there is enough evidence for federal charges to be filed. Sometimes, those subpoenas require the witness to bring documents or other evidence to turn over to the federal government. Anyone who receives a grand jury subpoena has the ability to be represented by an attorney - and they should consult with one first. What is said before a grand jury can result in you becoming the target of an investigation or possibly being charged with a crime for obstruction of justice.


Often federal prosecutors will send the subject of an investigation a letter advising you are the target of an investigation, and requesting an opportunity to speak with the prosecutor before she makes a decision about charges. This is your first opportunity to have an experienced attorney get to the heart of the issue and advocate on your behalf. It's not the time to wait to get a lawyer - talk to the team at Mastantuono Coffee & Thomas to get an assessment of how we can help.


  • Drug Conspiracy

  • Bank Fraud

  • Wire Fraud

  • Loan Fraud

  • Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) violations

  • Computer Hacking

  • Property Forfeiture

  • Unlawful Re-Entry into the US