As of November 1st, 2011, Wisconsin’s concealed carry law, section 941.23, is changing. Currently, anyone who is armed with a concealed dangerous weapon, except a police officer, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. As of November 1st, 2011, people who hold a license can carry concealed weapons. In addition, people may lawfully carry a concealed weapon in their own homes, their own business, or on their own land. To be eligible for a license, the applicant must be over 21 years old, not have criminal convictions nor conditions of bail that prohibit them from possessing a weapon, be a Wisconsin resident, and have proof of firearms training. Once a license is granted, the licensee must carry the license and photo identification at all times. The license is valid for 5 years from the date it was issued. This is all contained in Wisconsin Statute section 941.23.
Our office has extensive experience with clients who have gun-related legal problems. Most recently, Attorney Craig Mastantuono was asked by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action to speak as a guest at the NRA’s 2011 “Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium” on October 15th, 2011 in San Diego, California. Attorney Mastantuono addressed the symposium attendees and was a panel member regarding police/citizen encounters and investigative stops in situations where a firearm may be present. His remarks also included reference to this office’s prior representation of a pizza delivery driver who successfully defended himself with a firearm against armed robbers, only to be subject to criminal prosecution for CCW and seizure of his weapon. Mastantuono Law Office successfully got the criminal charge dismissed and obtained a court order for return of his firearms.
At Mastantuono Law Office, we have received many inquiries from those who wish to avail themselves of the license privilege effective November 1st, and would like to also have a relationship with an attorney in case difficulties arise. We have also learned that some training courses are advising attendees to have an attorney’s contact information with them for the same reason. Our attorneys are available 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. Our office voice mail provides an emergency number for use after hours if the situation requires immediate attention.