(Editor's Note: Originally posted on M&C Law's FB Page on 3/5/20)
Defense attorneys walk with their clients through their struggles and their triumphs.
Today started out at the final court appearance for a client who successfully completed Drug Treatment Court (DTC) in a suburban Milwaukee County. The client had a long-term addiction to heroin, which resulted in an OWI-2, overdose at the wheel, minor accident, and hospital visit about 18 months ago (no one was seriously hurt). Felony charges. He was given a chance to succeed on probation and the DTC, and he went through all of the required treatment and court appearances for more than a year. His case resolved today without further jail or a felony conviction. He looked good, a proud and sober person, father of a young child, and husband. The judge started the hearing by saying "this is a happy occasion." Couldn't agree more.
Treatment courts didn't exist in this particular county 5 years ago. They matter, they work, they save money and human resources, and they can be transformative to people's lives and for the communities they live in. A good morning indeed. -CM