How to Be on Probation According to a Retired Agent
At Mastantuono Coffee & Thomas, we want to set our clients up for success. Below are a list of tips from our Client Services Coordinator Jada Miller, who recently retired after 25 years as Wisconsin probation agent. We hope that these tips will help you have a positive and successful probation experience.
Always be honest with your probation agent (or the agent covering for agent). Even if you have relapsed and used drugs/alcohol, it is about being honest and not lying. It is unlikely that you will go to jail just for a dirty drug screen, but you could if you lie to your agent.
Always call your agent immediately if you have police contact – like for a traffic ticket. Your rules say you have 72 hours to call or email, but a lot of times people forget. Your agent has voicemail which is always on, you can send a text or email. (you want to tell your agent about the contact before the police do.)
Try and bring a money order every month for court obligations and supervision fees. Even if it is only for $10.00, it will help show your agent that you are doing what you can.
Report for all scheduled appointments. If you cannot make the appointment, call as soon as possible to reschedule. If you do not keep in contact with your agent, they can (and will likely) issue a warrant for your arrest.
Open communication with your agent is the best thing you can do.
Bring all homework assignments to your appointments.
Do not have your parents call your agent to reschedule appointments or do anything like that. You are the one on supervision. Your parents can speak to your agent but you are the one who will need to do all the work.
Be cordial to your agent. Sometimes people are so nervous they are not very nice to agents. They are there to help you. Sometimes agents are not very nice either, but do your best to not argue and just do what you need to do to complete supervision.
It is very important you follow the rules of supervision and pay your fees so you can discharge early.
We love receiving notices that our clients have successfully completed probation, often years after we finished their cases in court. We find that the more we put into preparing the client for probation, the more likely they will be successful. Jada has 25 years of experience with the DOC, and knows what she's talking about - that's why we brought her on to our team. Diversity of experience in our team at Mastantuono Coffee & Thomas is one facet of why we excel at obtaining favorable outcomes for our clients.