Attorney Rebecca Coffee from Mastantuono Law Office won a drunk driving trial last week in the Village of Pleasant Prairie in Kenosha County, WI. Our client was arrested after police discovered him passed out alone in his vehicle on the side of the road. The car was not running. Our client maintained that he was not driving the vehicle, but that the person who was had fled after losing control of the car, causing it to spin-out. Unfortunately, at trial, the Officer testified that our client told him that he was driving the car alone that night. Additionally, our client had only met the woman who was driving his car earlier that night, and only knew her first name. Mastantuono Law Office, with the assistance of our investigator, tracked down a witness, a bartender who had seen our client leave her bar that night with a woman, and get into the passenger seat of his vehicle. We subpoenaed the bartender for trial, where she testified on our client’s behalf. The Judge ultimately ruled that the Village Prosecutor failed to prove that our client was driving, and found him not guilty.