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Mass Incarceration

Craig Mastantuono

Wisconsin's Prison Problem

Wisconsin locks up too many people when better options exist. The untold human cost and fiscal expense of this will eat at the civic soul and vitality of our community if left unchecked.

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Craig Mastantuono

Criminal Justice Reform Comes to Milwaukee

With the Democratic National Convention on its way to Milwaukee in 2020, our firm will compare and discuss the criminal justice platforms and positions of the Democratic and Republican parties and the various candidates during the 2020 campaign season. The first of an occasional series.

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Craig Mastantuono

The Next 3,000: Baron Walker's Path Home

The road to release from Wisconsin prison for Baron Walker was an 18-month legal effort. Mr. Walker is one of 3,000 parole-eligible people who face a system that is not inclined to release them. How did Mr. Walker make it out, and what is the structure of our laws governing incarceration in Wisconsin?

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Craig Mastantuono

Incarceration Nation: Wisconsin's Prisons are Bursting at the Seams, and Busting our Budget

Printed in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 11/1/18, Attorney Craig Mastantuono's opinion piece on the state of our prisons after twenty years of Tough on Crime laws. Baron Walker did his time and reformed. Wisconsin kept him locked up anyway. Inmates like Baron, subject to parole reviews, are not being released, and Wisconsin's so-called Truth in Sentencing Law is even worse, resulting in racially disparate and mass incarceration in the Dairy State.

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Craig Mastantuono/Leah Thomas/Chad Shamali

What Does Mass Incarceration Look Like? The San Quentin Project comes to Milwaukee Art Museum

We talk a lot these days about mass incarceration, but what does it look like? What goes on inside prison walls? What is life behind bars really like for incarcerated people and those around them? Nigel Poor’s San Quentin Project: the Men of San Quentin State Prison comes to the Milwaukee Art Museum, which opens to the public on October 18th, 2018, and runs through March 10, 2019. Mastantuono & Coffee is proud to be the education sponsor of this important exhibition.

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